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Vitamin D Can Stop Cancer Cell Growth and We Need It Much More Than Doctors Think

According to some predictions, there will more than 1.5 million patients diagnosed with cancer in the United States in 2016. What is more shocking is that this number is only for new cases. This disturbing number will make many people ask themselves, why modern and advanced medicine has still not found cure for cancer.
But, the fact is that there are dozens of scientific studies focused on this issue conducted each year. For instance, a scientific study conducted not while ago has found something that can help people understand why exactly cancer emerges in certain people.
Vitamin D Can Stop Cancer Cell Growth and We Need It Much More Than Doctors Think
The latest statistics show that 7 out of 10 kids in America are dealing with type 2 diabetes.
As a matter of fact, our health in general depends on a regular intake of this vitamin.
In case you are wondering why there are so many children and adults that lack vitamin D in their body, you should know that it a little bit difficult to notice this deficiency.
Even though a simple blood test can tell us precisely what our vitamin D levels are, there are some other symptoms and signs that our body produces in order to signal that the levels of vitamin D have dropped.
We will now present some of the most common symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.
  • Chronic pain.
Even though there is no solid scientific proof, the final results of a few scientific studies suggest that this vitamin is related to cancer. For example, a scientific study led by Rober Heaneny and Joan Lappe conducted 8 years ago involved a large group of women in menopause who received vitamin D supplement so they could increase the level of vitamin D in their system. After four years, the study has concluded that these women has almost 80% fewer chances to develop any type of cancer.
Another study led by Dr. Cedric Garland has shown that vitamin D is closely related to specific types of cancer, especially to breast cancer. According to Dr. Garland, chances of developing breast cancer can be reduced by 50% if women take the daily recommended dose of vitamin D.
Even though all these scientific studies can’t confirm that vitamin D can protect us from cancer or cure cancer, there is indirect evidence that this vitamin and the chances of occurrence of cancer are related. It is quite logical to conclude that because the majority of functions in our body are related to vitamin D. For instance, the body can’t properly absorb calcium or heal or grow bones if there is no vitamin D. In addition, the work of the autoimmune and cardiovascular system and few other system in the body is affected by the presence (or absence) of vitamin D.
Thanks to these new studies that emphasized the fact that vitamin D is even more important that we thought before, the recommended daily intake of vitamin D has been increased. Babies 0-1 year old need 1.000 IU per day and those aged 1 to 70 need 600 IU per day.
Getting this quantity of vitamin D from natural food is the best option. Foods packed in vitamin D include, milk, orange juice, mushrooms, fatty fish, tuna and many other tasty foods. It is also a good idea to spend some time in the sun. People can also use supplements and vitamin D3 supplements are said to be the best.
So, taking adequate amounts of vitamin D is good not only for your muscles and bones, but for the lowering of cancer risk too.

Vitamin D Can Stop Cancer Cell Growth and We Need It Much More Than Doctors Think Vitamin D Can Stop Cancer Cell Growth and We Need It Much More Than Doctors Think Reviewed by Hrouda Robert on August 14, 2019 Rating: 5
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