In case you didn’t know, breast cancer is the most common reason of fatalities in women between the age of 35 and 54.
According to the same stats, men have almost half less chances of experiencing cancer. 4 out of 10 women will probably experience some kind of cancer during their lifetime.

It is not very simple to curing breast cancer instead of talking about prevention or what contributes to the occurrence of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer and Aluminum
As you are probably aware, the skin is the largest organ. It protects our body, but it also uses its special abilities to bring nutrients from the environment.
However, besides absorbing useful substances it can also absorb the chemicals used in makeup, creams, lotions and similar products that modern women use.
Even though many people don’t want to think about this, most of them are stunned when they find out what these products that they use on a daily basis contain.
We will now present you a short list of ingredients found in ordinary antiperspirants and deodorants:
- Phthalates – A substance that negatively affects hormones
- Parabens – A compound that leads to hormonal imbalance
- Aluminum – Leads to Alzheimer’s disease and breast cancer
- Formaldehyde – Linked to different types of cancer
- Propylene glycol – Used in antifreeze products
- Antibacterial compounds – Have negative effects on the endocrine and immune system.
Modern antiperspirants and deodorants include significant amount of aluminum salts. According to several scientific studies, these salts have a potential to cause cancer. The reputable Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry has reported that infected breast tissue had unusually high amount of aluminum in it. What is even worse is the fact that this element was found in breastfeeding mom’s milk too.
Many studies have shown that aluminum is a very powerful neurotoxin. According to Dr. Chris Shaw who works as a neuroscientist at the British Columbia University, aluminum leads to numerous atypical biological and chemical reactions in different body parts especially in the brain. This element was associated with Alzheimer’s disease.
In case you use deodorants or antiperspirants on a daily basis, for a very long period of time, you might want to check the tips we are sharing below. Our armpits must be detoxified from time to time and the best part is that this process is not very difficult.
How To Detox Your Armpits
Here are the different ways on how to detox your armpits:
1. Visit a Sauna
Our body relies on sweating when it wants to eliminate toxins and other harmful substances and to stabilize its temperature. If you are able to spend more time sweating during the day, you will improve detoxification. In addition, this practice will improve the immune system too.
2. Increase the Intake of Mineral Water
There is no doubt that increased water intake aids the body’s efforts to remove toxins and prevents dehydration. In addition, a recent study has confirmed that taking mineral water packed with silica can help people eliminate aluminum. Health food stores and online stores are the places where you can find this type of mineral water.
3. Try a Different Deodorant
The vast majority of antiperspirants and deodorants are packed with aluminum and other potentially harmful substances. Check the label of the deodorant you use in order to understand what enters your body. Although there are products advertised as natural or organic, this doesn’t mean that they are safe.
If you want to be completely safe, create your own deodorant with this Do-It-Yourself deodorant recipe.
DIY Armpit Detoxification Recipe
In order to eliminate the negative effects of continuous commercial deodorant use, use this natural armpit detoxification recipe. In this way, you’ll also keep the microorganisms that lead to odor away.
- One tablespoon of bentonite clay
- One tablespoon of raw apple cider vinegar
- Five drops of organic cilantro essential oil
- Three drops of organic rosemary essential oil.
Take the bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar and mix them well in a big bowl.
After some period of time, pour the essential oils and create a smooth mixture. Keep in mind that you can prepare this recipe without essential oils.
Finally, apply a very thin layer of the mixture on the armpits. After 20 minutes, use a wet cloth to remove the “deodorant”. Perform this procedure for one week on a daily basis.
How To Detox Your Armpits In 7 Days To Prevent Breast Cancer
Reviewed by Hrouda Robert
August 14, 2019