There are many cancer warning cancer symptoms and signs that imitate symptoms of other health conditions and diseases, so when they occur people tend to ignore them. Healthcare professionals agree that people should learn more about their bodies and that they should always consult a doctor whenever they notice some changes on their body that seem to be worsening over time.
Warning Cancer Symptoms
1. Bleeding After Menopause

Menopause is inevitable process for every woman. This is a period when women experience many changes including seeing light spotting. Some of the symptoms like this one can last even after the menopause is finished.
However, if you notice that you have bleeding that are similar to period bleeding after menopause; this could be a sign that you are developing uterine cancer. The positive thing is that 88% of women who have found out that they have uterine cancer at stage 1 will remain safe and sound in the next 5 years. This data was shared by the American Cancer Society.
2. Swollen Foot or Leg
Another typical symptom for cancer that is overlooked by most women is the occurrence of a swollen leg or foot.
The experts from the MD Anderson Cancer Center which is part of the University of Texas claim that swelling that occurs in these body parts together with specific pain and discharge from the vagina could indicate presence of cervical cancer.
The chances that you are suffering from some serious disease or condition because of a swollen leg are very low, but this doesn’t mean that you should completely ignore this situation and the presence of the other complications we have mentioned should definitely make you visit your doctor.
3. Breast Skin Dimpling, Discoloration and/or other transformations
The presence of an abnormal lump on the breast is a sign that should not be ignored because it often indicates the presence of breast cancer in women.
The truth is that there are some other transformations and changes in this area that appear as a result of the presence of this vicious disease. According to Rich Wender, MD that works for the American Cancer Society, in case you see that your breast skin is dimpling or your nipples are swelling and inverting or they are very tender or if you notice discoloration of your skin in this area (the color usually turns more pink or red) you should be very careful.
Keep in mind that these signs are not clear signs that you have cancer, but postponing the visit to your doctor can have very negative consequences.
4. Abdominal Bloating

It is not unusual for women to experience abdominal bloating and this is especially true when they have periods. However, in case you notice that you are bloated even when the cycle is over or you have constipation for a long period of time, this could indicate the presence of uterine or ovarian cancer. In case this situation goes on for weeks and you are not noticing any improvement, this is probably a permanent change. Dr. Rich Wender advises seeking medical help.
According to Moshe Shike, MD that works at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in NYC as gastroenterologist, a huge number of patients suffering from ovarian cancer that have experienced these seemingly benign symptoms including abdominal bloating waited for months before consulting their doctor. In addition, weak appetite accompanied by constant feeling of fullness is also a symptom of ovarian cancer.
5. Unusual Periods or Intense Pelvic Pain

Irregular and unbalanced periods are not something unusual for most women. However, in case the flow becomes much heavier with each month, in case you notice bleeding even between two periods or if you experience intense pelvic pain, be sure to consult your doctor. They will probably suggest transvaginal ultrasound in order to find out whether certain cancers like ovarian or uterine cancers are present.
6. A Low Grade Fever

Even though a low grade fever is usually ignored by people and associated with some other health problems like common cold for example, a low grade fever that lasts for a relatively long period of time can sometimes indicate that you are dealing with some other, far more serious health problem.
In many cases, cancers like lymphoma and leukemia can affect the immunity in such a way that the body tries to eliminate the infection so hard that fever occurs. According to the American Cancer Society, people should never ignore fever that lasts for a long period of time regardless of its intensity.
7. Chronic Cough

A common cold is one of the most frequent health conditions in people of all ages. In most cases, when this condition is at its peak, we cough and feel like we will throw out our lungs and there is nothing unusual about that. However, in case you have a cough that lasts for 3 weeks or even more and you are not noticing any other signs and symptoms that are typical for cold, like stuffy nose or headache, this could be a symptom of lung cancer.
In addition, leukemia is another disease that produces this symptom and symptoms like intense chest cold and bronchitis. According to Dr. Markman, if your cough feels different than before and you notice traces of blood when you cough up, don’t wait to consult your doctor. There are cancer patients who feel chest pain that starts from the chest and goes up to the shoulders.
8. Nausea or Stomach Ache

Another very frequent health problem is upset stomach, but the chances for this condition to occur as a sign of cancer presence are very low. However, in case you experience continuous stomach cramps or you feel nausea all the time and this situation lasts for several weeks, it is a good idea to visit a doctor. In many cases, this is an indication of the presence of ulcers, but sometime it can be a sign of colorectal, liver, esophageal or pancreatic cancer or leukemia.
9. Regular Fevers and/or Infection
Those who are not prone to health conditions, but experience frequent fevers or health issues in a short period of time should conduct a medical exam because this can be a sign of leukemia. For those who don’t know, leukemia is a term used to describe cancer of the blood which makes the body produce mutated white blood cells which ultimately leads to a weaker immune system. Be careful with symptoms typically associated with flu including regular fevers and achiness.
10. Dysphagia – Difficulty Swallowing
Swallowing is always difficult and sometimes painful in cases of sore throat. However, if these difficulties continue for more than 3 weeks and even get worse, it is the right time to visit your doctor. A condition like this that doesn’t go away is one of the signs of stomach or throat cancer and in some cases it could indicate lung cancer too.
11. Easy Bruising

We have all witnessed a situation like this – we wake up and notice a bruise, but we can’t remember how it got there. This is nothing to worry about because we are stumbling and bumping in things all the time. However, if this occurrence becomes very frequent and if the bruises appear in places where they usually shouldn’t like your fingers or hands, you should be careful.
Easy, excessive bruising is a frequent sign of leukemia and this is something that was confirmed by the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. If leukemia is present in the body for a certain period of time, it lowers the ability of our blood to supply oxygen throughout the body.
12. Sudden Weight Loss

According to Dr. Markman, most Americans today are looking for the right way to lose weight and this is a good thing because extra weight can cause a lot of problems.
However, if you notice that your appetite is lowered and there is no reason to experience something like this, you should visit your doctor’s office. Sudden weight loss and/or unexplained appetite changes can be an indicator of different cancers like colon, pancreatic, esophageal and liver cancer. However, these symptoms are most common in lymphoma or leukemia.
13. Chronic Fatigue
It is not unusual for modern people to experience lack of energy, but after a good sleep we should all feel energetic. In case you are feeling tired at noon and this is happening for more than 30 days in a row, or you notice shortness of breath, it is the right time to visit the doctor. According to Dr. Wender, there is a low chance that this is a sign of a cancer, but it is better to be safe than sorry. Lymphoma and leukemia sometimes cause chronic fatigue.
14. Persistent Headaches
In case you experience migraines rarely and the same goes for headaches, but you have started dealing with persistent headaches all the time in the recent period, this could be an indication for the presence of brain tumor. This tumor puts pressure on the nerves which leads to pain.
15. Hematochezia – Blood in Stool
It is very likely that you are dealing with something benign – in most cases this is a sign of hemorrhoids. However, this condition can also indicate the presence of colon cancer. There are many cases of people younger than 50 who have first noticed blood in stool before they were diagnosed with colon cancer. That’s why it is highly recommended to take colon cancer screening in cases like this. If the problem is present for a long period of time you shouldn’t ignore this possibility.
16. Visible Skin Changes
There are millions of people suffering from different types of cancer and most of them are suffering from skin cancer. At the same time, the early signs of this cancer are very difficult to notice. According to Dr. Wender, there is a huge number of people who ignore the formation of moles, freckles and darker age spots. However, we should always get a medical exam whenever we notice that the moles are getting larger, darker or raised.
It is much easier to notice melanoma skin changes because the spots come in uneven shapes unlike the round and dark moles. It is good to point out that melanoma is very rare compared to other skin cancers, but they are also more lethal. The good news is those melanomas are developing slowly, so there is much greater success rate when it comes to their healing. It is best to start the treatment when you notice the early signs.
17. Pain or Sores in the Mouth
Experiencing a cold sore is nothing unusual, but only if it lasts for a short period of time. The same goes for a toothache that is eliminated after one or two trips to the dentist’s office. However, in case the sores don’t go away and it is accompanied with continuous pain, red or white patches located on the tongue and/or gums and swelling around the jaw, this could be an indication for the presence of mouth cancers. So, if these problems last for more than 15 days, you should definitely visit your doctor.

17 Warning Cancer Symptoms You Are Probably Ignoring
Reviewed by Hrouda Robert
August 22, 2019